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Glossary - Herbs and Greens

 Published 2012-Mar-11   Updated 2020-Jun-04

Names of herbs and green vegetables in English, Tamil, Malayalam and Hindi.

English Tamil Malayalam Hindi
Agati leaves /
Vegetable Hummingbird
Agathi Keerai (அகத்தி கீரை) Akatti (അകത്തി) Agasthi, Gaach-Munga (गाछ मूंगा)
Amaranth, Pigweed Mulai Keerai (முளைக்கீரை) Cheera (ചീര) Chaulai (चौलाई के पत्तों)
Amaranth Spleen, Red Spinach,
Chinese Spinach
Thandu Keerai, Kuppai Keerai Cheera (ചീര) Chauli, Chavleri Sag
Amaranth spined, Spiny Pigweed,
Thorny Amaranth, Prickly Amaranth
Mullu Keerai Cheera (ചീര) Kantewali Chaulai
Basil, Holy Basil Tulasi (துளசி இலை, Rama Tulasi, Krishna Tulasi etc.) Sivatulasi Tulsi (तुलसी)
Beet Leaves      
Black Nightshade Leaves, Garden Nightshade, Garden Huckleberry, Wonder Berry Manathakkali Keerai (மணத்தக்காளி)    
Collard Greens      
Colocasia Leaves      Arbi ke patte
Coriander leaves (Cilantro) Malli illai (கொத்தமல்லி இலை) Malliyila (മല്ലിയില) Hara Dhania, Dhaniye ke patte (धनिये के पत्ते)
Curry leaves Karuveppilai (கறிவேப்பிலை) Kareapela (കറിവേപ്പില) Kari patta, Kadi patte (करी पत्ते)
Dill Sada Kuppi (சதகுப்பி) Chathakuppa (ചതകുപ്പ) Suva, Soye
Dried Fenugreek Leaves     Kasoori Methi
Dried Ginger Chukku/ Sukku    
Dried Galangal Chitarathai / Sitharathai   Kulanjan
Drumstick leaves Murunga elai Muringa ila Muranka bhaji
Dwarf Copperleaf, Sessile Joyweed Ponnanganni Keerai (பொன்னாங்கண்ணி கீரை)    
False Daisy Karisalanganni Keerai   Bringaraj
Fennel Leaves Sombu Ilai    
Fenugreek leaves Vendaya Keerai Uluva ila Methi patta
Green Chirayta / King of Bitters / Andrographis Siriyaa Nangai (சிறியா நங்கை) / Nila Vembu (நிலவேம்பு) Nilavepp (നിലവേപ്പ്) / Kiriyathth (കിരിയത്ത്) Kirayat (कीरायत)
Guava Leaf      
Indian Nettle Leaves Kuppaimeni    
Lettuce leaves     Salad patta/ Kasmisaag
Licorice Adhimadhuram / Irattimadhuram   Mulethi / Jethimadhu
Long Pepper Thippili    
Mango Leaf      
Mint Pudina (புதினா) Puthina (പുതിന) Pudina (पुदीना)
Mustard Greens     Sarson ka saag
Pointed Gourd Leaves Kombuppudalai Ilai, Musumusukai, Peypputalai, Amirtapalai Kattu-potolam, Patolam Ila Palval, Palwal, Parvar, Parwal Patta
Radish Leaves Mullangi Keerai Mullangi Ila Muli ke Patte
Scallion, Green Onion, Spring Onion, Table Onion Vengaya Taal (வெங்காயத்தாள்) Ulli Illa Hara Pyaz Patta
Sorrel leaves Pulicha Keerai Gongura ila Pitwa
Spinach Pasalai Keerai   Palak
Tamarind Leaves Puli Ilai   Imli ka Patta
Turnip Greens      

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Comments (1 - 50 of 67)

Person   ()
What is the sinhala name of Tamil word Thirai Keerai
Person   ()
Sorry, I have no idea.
Person   ()
can someone give me info on Aru keerai? its english and botanical name, thanks
Person   ()
What is the Tamil name for spearmint?
Person   ()
All varieties of mint are called Pudhina.
Person   ()
What is Kasanakanni illai?
Person   ()
False Daisy or Bringaraj
Person   ()
What is the malayalam name of houseleek leaves?
Person   ()
Pls explain
Vavarai ilai and it's herbal name.
Person   ()
What is english name of Inderjaun
Person   ()
what is the common name for Crataeva nurvala ??
Person   ()
Can anyone confirm the name for Arugula? Google search turns up Aru Keerai (Tamil) but, the images look different for both. Thanks!
Person   ()
Hi Karthik, Arugula does not have a tamil name as it is not a native herb of India.
Person   ()
What is English name for Tamil perende green climber plant
Person   ()
Its called adamant creeper.
Person   ()
Adamant creeper
Person   ()
What is the botanical name for Thirai, a medicinal plant
Person   ()
I want to be know about thali keerai, it have any other names,and it's benifit ..please send me
Person   ()
Tamil name of watercress n availability
Person   ()
I want the Tamil name for paneer ka phool in Hindi.. Thank you for your service...
Person   ()
It was paneer ka phool not paper ka.. I'm sorry. Didn't notice
Person   ()
Name of paper ka phool in Tamil I want to know.
Person   ()
could you please tell me the English name of this முசக்காத்தான் இலை
Person   ()
What is nanjimullu keerai in english
Person   ()
What is taanikaya,usirikaya,saindhava lavanam in hindi....)
Person   ()
What is taanikaya,usirikaya,saindhava lavanam in hindi
Person   ()
can anyone tell me wats the name for musumusthan leaf(tamil name) which cures sinus
Person   ()
Tamil name is Mususmukkai and botanical name is Melothria_madraspatana (some sites mentione other botanical names also). It is climber. sometimes different names are given. Search in net as "musumusukkai" and you will get details. The Picture in is perfect.
Person   ()
Thanks for the information. I will add it to the list.
Person   ()
can any one tell me what is goose foot leaf is called in tamil ?
Person   ()
Goose foot leaf is common and names of many plants of family:Chenopodiaceae. One name in tamil Paruppukkirai (Tamil),
Person   ()
What is watercress called in tamil?
Person   ()
What is vellarai keera called in malayalam
Person   ()
Vellari keera is not a malayalam may be tamil language.vellari means cucumber and keera in tamil its meaning in malayalam cheera.but i dont know about vellaru may be a tamil word.
Person   ()
Vallari keeri is a tamil name. In Malayalam it is called as Brimi
Person   ()
Another name for Vallari Keeri(Tamil) is Brahmi. Easily available in S.India, in abundance even in Malaysia, also in my house.
Person   ()
It is called brahmi.
Person   ()
I want to know details of kalketu, sagbeeb and sarvgandha
Person   ()
what is நிலவரம்பு called in English?
Person   ()
Nilavembu is licorice.
Person   ()
I m looking for vallari kari
Person   ()
Hai...we are having an organic nursery of Medicinal and Herbal Plants near Adoor in Kerala. And have most of the common and some rare varieties of plants of Ayurveda.

Please get in touch to get a full list of plants and other details. Reach us at 9847237678 sms or Whatsapp...thanx
Person   ()
what is tarragon called in tamil and hindi
Person   ()
meaning of mukkiratti keerai in india what the say in sri lanka
Person   ()
7days used to keerai how many keerai names
Person   ()
Person   ()
navarai pachalai ,karpooravalli both of same herbal plant.
Person   ()
i am doing research work in herbals i not able to type the tamil word. hence i need the tamil names of herbals in the six is very useful in my reasearch work.
Person   ()
i want to know the tamil word for the six tastses
Person   ()

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 Published by on and last updated on 2020-06-04.