(Muttai Recipes, Mutta, Motta, Anda Recipes, Guddu, Motte)

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Eggs (also known as Muttai, Mutta or Anda) is the most inexpensive source of protein for the non vegetarians. Eggs are often consumed even by vegetarians (known as ovo-vegetarians). It is a wholesome food with lots of nutrients. By eggs we commonly refer to chicken eggs but quail eggs and duck eggs are also available in markets in India. Chicken eggs are found as white eggs and brown eggs.
Eggs have many health benefits including strengthening muscles, improving the immune system, giving energy and lowering the risk of heart diseases. It keeps you full but has lesser calories. This makes it a perfect choice for people on diet. The egg whites have most of the protein content whereas the yolk has most of the other nutrients. Egg yolks are rich in anti oxidants and omega-3 fatty acids.
I use eggs as a facepack dipping a kitchen tissue in beaten egg white and applying on my face skin layer by layer as it gets dried. It tightens the skin. Mix a few drops of honey with egg white and apply over the dark circles in eyes to remove black circles. Egg whites also removes sun tan and reduces the black marks on the face. You can also use egg and curd as a hair mask for dandruff treatment. It is also a good natural hair conditioner. It makes the hair soft and silky. It enhances hair growth. These are the benefits of egg applied externally.
Eggs can be cooked in many ways in both sweet and savory dishes. Common ways of preparing eggs are boiling, scrambling, frying and baking. Eggs also form part of many baked goodies like cakes, cookies etc. In India, eggs are used to make fried snacks, side dishes, gravies, rice dishes, roti varieties and desserts. I have shared many of the above mentioned preparations below and will be adding more in the coming days.
Cooking Eggs
Condiments & Snacks With Egg
Side Dishes & Gravies With Egg
Tiffin Items With Egg
Rice Dishes With Egg
Desserts With Egg
Other Recipes using Egg
Cakes and Cookies using Egg