(15 Minute Cooking, Jhatpat Recipes)

One question that haunts every women is What do I cook today? Especially if you are a working woman, it takes so much of will power to get into the kitchen and cook when you yourselves are tired and hungry. Even homemakers, I'm sure most of them do not like to slog all day in the kitchen. At the same time, we also are aware of the benefits of home cooked meals. Yes, they are hygienic, healthier and of course suited to your taste. There are times, we have been breaking our heads to get simple to cook yet tasty meal ideas. That's the idea behind this page. Who doesn't like quick recipes?
Sometimes the trick to making quick dishes is planning ahead. For eg: If you plan and prepare idli batter for a week and refrigerate, you can make idli, dosa, paniyaaram or uthappam withing 10-15 minutes. Similarly if you stock your pantry with side options like idli podi, curry leaf powder, pickles etc., you do not have to worry about the side dishes. Being a frequent non-veg eater, I always buy in bulk. I clean it during the week end, marinate it and put it in small containers or plastic bags. Throughout the week, I can enjoy fish fry, chicken fry etc. in a matter of 15 minutes.
Most of the recipes given in my website are simple to make. For convenience, I have consolidated the specific dishes that can be made quickly under half an hour. Here is a list of such quick-fix meal options. All the recipes in this section take less than 15 minutes of cooking time and very little preparation. These quick recipes are perfect for busy mornings, tired evenings and even cooking for unexpected guests.
Instant Curries (Quick Curry Recipes)
Instant Side-Dishes (Quick Side Dish Recipes)