(Tindoora, Kovakkai, Coccinia Grandis)

Ivy gourd is a climber that has edible fruits that can be eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable. The fruits resemble small cucumbers but is not juicy and sweet like them.
In olden days it was quite common to see this climer grow in fences and different places. Ivygourd grows very soon in any type of soil. It is a good idea to have the Ivygourd plant at home as it requires little care but yields a good harvest. The leaves of the plant are star shaped. Stem, leaves, root and fruit of the Ivygourd plant are said to have medicinal values. As the leaves are very good for our health, we can grind the leaves and make a juice or soup so as to enjoy the health benefits.
The other common names of Ivygourd are Kovaikaai, Baby Watermelon, Little Gourd, Small Gourd, Scarlet Gourd and Tindoora. This vegetable is known to reduce diabetes. It is good for our nervous system. It is used for the treatment of skin diseases. It is rich in fibre and prevents constipation and stone formation in kidney. It is also rich in iron and hence prevents anemia. The leaves of the Ivygourd is used to reduce high blood pressure and used in the treatment of Jaundice. The fruit sap is also orally applied for healing skin sores,cuts and wounds. There are many more health benefits which I can keep on sharing.
Ivygourd is used in numerous ways in cooking some of which I have shared below. Do make it a point to include this humble vegetable to your diet atleast twice in a month.
Recipes With Ivy Gourd