(Palapazham, Chakka, Palakottai, Chakkakuru)

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Jackfruit is the biggest fruit in the world which is a multiple fruit i.e. it has many individual fruits within the actual fruit. It is known as palapazham in Tamil and Chakka in Malayalam.
Usually two varieties of jackfruit are available : the varikka chakka and the koozhan chakka. The varikka chakka has a thicker flesh and is very tasty. The koozhan chakka has a very slippery and slimy flesh. The varikka chakka is mostly enjoyed by everyone.
In India, jackfruit is used in so many forms. The raw jackfruit is used to make many side-dishes. The most popular Kerala jack chips is made with the raw jackfruit. The sweet fruit is eaten as such. It is also used to make pradhaman, preserves (like the chakka varattiyathu) and other desserts. I will be sharing the recipes one by one. The starchy seeds of the jackfruit are boiled and eaten as a snack. It is also used to make many side-dishes. Finally the leaves are also put to use. In olden days, the leaves used to be pinned using a small stick to form a spoon. This use and throw spoon is used to have kanji. In Karnataka, four leaves are pinned together to form a cup like. This cup made with jack leaves is filled with batter and steamed, known as khotto idlis.
Recipes with Jackfruit (Chakka)
Recipes with Jackfruit Seeds (Palakottai, Chakkakuru)