(Recipes with Milk, பால், Paal, പാൽ, दूध, Doodh)

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Milk that is consumed by humans is usually cow's milk or buffalo milk. It is rich in calcium,Vitamin A and B. Milk helps in the production of Red Blood Corpuscles. It controls hair loss and anemia. Milk intake forms an enamel layer in kids which reduces tooth decay and gum problems. It is very essential for our bones.
Milk should always be made thinner before drinking. I have seen some moms giving thick milk without adding water to babies.It should be strictly avoided. Boiled cow’s milk and made lightly chilled in fridge can be given to ulcer patients which helps in speedy recovery. Buffalo milk is good for kids as it has more protein than milk from cows. Excess milk intake in adults results in ovarian cancer and Type 1 diabetes.
Milk should be strictly avoided while we have common cold and cough as its intake aggravates both. During pregnancy,some ladies get some aversion towards milk. On those days you can go for ragi intake or soy milk as a substitute for calcium. Milk sweets should be consumed within 2 to 3 days. Make sure it is freshly made. Otherwise, it is highly dangerous for health.
Bovine Colostrum is the milk produced by cows after it gives birth to a calf. For the first two days milk will be very thicker and later the concentration comes down. Pour some water in idli vessel or cooker (without whistle) and place a bowl with colostrum milk with sugar(or jaggery) added with a pinch of cardamom or dry ginger powder and allow it to boil by closing the lid for 10 to 15 minutes. It becomes a tasty pudding. Now just cut the colostrum cubes and serve it. This can be consumed by all age groups. It is highly recommended for athletes and growing kids.
Milk is said to have very high protein, amino acids and nutrients. Nowadays many researches are going on about our Indian cows. Though milk yield is lesser than hybrid cows, milk yielded is harmless and healthy. Due to the contamination problems in packet milk and rising awareness about our Indian cows,country cow's milk is gaining popularity again. We are going back to the roots which is a good sign indeed.
Milk can also be used as a skin cleanser.Just take two spoons of milk in a bowl and soak cotton and smoothly rub on the face and neck surfaces,the skin gets cleansed with a glow. Below I have listed different ways in which milk can be consumed.
Recipes With Milk