- Submitted by Dahlia
(Mulayari Puttu, Moongil Arisi Pittu, Healthy Puttu Varieties)

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Bamboo Rice are the seeds of the Bamboo shoot which comes once in 30-60 years when the plant is dying. Isn't it interesting? The Bamboo plant produces new shoots from its roots. Once the shoot is dying it starts to flower which then produces seeds.
In India this flowering of Bamboo shoot is considered a bad luck because the whole area of bamboo plants die off. Bamboo is used as a natural puttu kutty in olden days. It was also used for many other purposes. When a bamboo shoot dies, it was beleived to be the beginning of famine. The seeds of the bamboo are stored and used as food. It resembles paddy rice in shape but is brown in colous. The taste and texture is however more like wheat - sticky and chewier. Bamboo rice can be cooked and waten like regular white rice.
Bamboo rice puttu is another traditional recipe that is made when this is available. It has carbohydrates and fiber like regular rice. It has high calcium content and Vitamin B. Since it has low glycemic index, it is considered as a healthy option for diabetic patients. These days you can find Bamboo rice, locally known as Moongil Arisi or Mulayari in super markets and health stores. So why not you guys buy a packet of this rare food and try this dish.
Recipe for Bamboo Rice Puttu
Preparation time: 10 minutes + 4 hours for making flour
Cooking time: 15 minutes
Serves: 4
- Bamboo Rice - 1/2 kg
- Grated coconut- as needed
- Salt- as necessary
- Water- as necessary
How to make Bamboo Rice Flour?
- Wash the bamboo rice and soak it for 2-3 hours. Spread in a clean cloth to dry.
- Grind it to a coarse powder using a mixie or in a flour mill.
- Dry roast the flour for few minutes. It is ready to make puttu now.
- Take required amount (about 2 cups) of bamboo rice flour in a plate and add some salt.
- Sprinkle water and keep mixing with your fingers till all the flour becomes moist. The flour should look crumbly and hold together when pressed between your palm. Keep this aside.

- Take water in a pressure cooker and bring it to boil.
- Takr the puttu kutty, add the disc and add 1-2 tbsp of grated coconut at the bottom. Add 4-5 tbsp of the prepared puttu flour. Layer it again with grated coconut, followed by puttu flour. Fill to the top with grated coconut as the top layer.
- Close the puttu kutty and carefully place it on the pressure cooker whistle hole.
- As you see steam coming from the top holes of the puttu kutty, continue cooking for few minutes, After that you can switch off and remove the puttu using the stick that comes with the puttu kutty. Enjoy it hot.
- Sometimes I like to mix regular white rice flour and bamboo rice flour in the ratio 1:1 while making puttu. That way the taste of bamboo rice will not be dominating.

Serving Bamboo Rice Puttu
- Bamboo puttu can be served with sugar or naatu chakkarai and banana.
- It can also be had with kadala curry (Black Chikpeas Curry) or boiled green-gram and papad.

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