- Submitted by Dahlia
(Manjal Thool, Manja Podi)

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Turmeric Powder is one important ingredient that gives that beautiful orangish yellow colour to all Indian curries. Traditionally turmeric powder was prepared at home using freshly cultivated turmeric roots. It was quite a lengthy process wherein first the roots are cut into small pieces, boiled till soft and later sun drying it completely before pounding it to make turmeric powder. These days fresh turmeric roots are not easily available in cities. In villages people still cultivate it. In Tamilnadu, fresh turmeric roots can be seen around Pongal time. More than all this, no one actually wants to go through such a lengthy process to prepare homemade turmeric powder.
However dried turmeric roots are easily available in all super markets. Many people buy this and powder it themselves as opposed to buying ready made turmeric powder. The colour and aroma of turmeric powder made this way is so much better that the store bought ones. It takes almost no effort to prepare this way. You just have to buy the dried turmeric roots and powder it in a flour mill. Those who have never done it before may have some doubts. I have shared pictures and explained in detail below. So be sure to make your own turmeric powder if you haven't been doing so till now.
Types of Turmeric
There are three types of turmeric root often seen in supermarkets. I have shared the pictures below. All the three varieties are available as dried roots in herbal shops and supermarkets, which you can buy and powder it yourself. These are also available in powdered form. Other than these white turmeric and black turmeric are also there which is not widely used. It is mainly used in Ayurvedic medicine preparations. The leaves of the turmeric plant is also used for cooking dumplings in some places in India.
The first variety is known as Curry Manjal and is the one used for preparing edible turmeric powder. This is the recipe that I will be sharing below. The other two varieties are used for external applications mainly.

The second variety is a little round one with a deeper colour that is mainly used in religious ceremonies by Hindus. It is also sometimes used in preparing herbal face masks.

The third variety is known as the Kasturi Manjal or Wild Turmeric which is mainly used for skin and as a beauty product. It is powdered and used to improve skin complexion, treat acne and scar, reduce facial hair, slow down aging and used to treat insect bites.
Recipe for Homemade Turmeric Powder
Preparation time: 2 hours
Cooking time: NIL
Makes: 1/2 kg
- Dried Turmeric Root - 1/2 kg
- Take the required quantity of dried turmeric roots..

- Spread them on a plastic sheet and leave it under the hot sun for couple of hours. This will crisp them up a little more and make it easier for grinding.
- Get it powdered from a nearby flour mill. It can also be done in a mixie jar but it has to be done in batches.
- After powdering, spread it in a plate and let it cool down.
- Once it comes to room temperature, you can store it in an air tight container. It stays good for upto a year.

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