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Broccoli is a green vegetable that looks like a cauliflower. It is from the cabbage family. It is mostly green in color but is also rarely found in purple color. Broccoli is a rich source of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, carotenoid compounds and many minerals. Broccoli is a powerhouse of nutrients and has numerous health benefits. Broccoli has the chemicals sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol which act as anti-oxidants and help prevent cancer. This is one of the best detox food since broccoli has a special trio combination of glucoraphanin, gluconasturtiian and glucobrassicin. Broccoli has lot of soluble fiber which helps in reducing cholesterol from the body. It helps maintain blood sugar and is good for your heat. It is perfect food for people on diet. You can browse online to get more details about the health benefits.
Some of you already are aware of this super-food broccoli but do not know how to include it in your diet. Nutritionists say that to get the best benefits of broccoli, you should eat it raw or with minimum cooking. In fact, broccoli tastes best when it is cooked less to retain the crunch of the vegetable. Steaming, stir-fry or microwaving would be the best options. Broccoli is very versatile and can be used in salads, soups, side dishes and in main course.
Here I have a collection of Indian style broccoli recipes - both north Indian and south Indian, Chinese style broccoli recipes and other international broccoli recipes. These are numerous options for you to choose from depending on your taste - from broccoli salad, steamed broccoli to broccoli pulao and broccoli paratha. We even have the kids favorite broccoli bajji recipe. Try these simple recipes and enjoy the health benefits of broccoli.
Recipes using Broccoli as the STAR ingredient
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